Case Study

Using IPBlock to protect a home computer


I have a home computer running Windows 10 Pro. I sometimes use Remote Desktop to access my PC via the standard port (3389). I wanted to protect my PC from unauthorized access and DoS and DDoS attacks. Before IPBlock, I already used Windows Defender Firewall and Malwarebytes, but I wanted something to mitigate brute-force password attacks.

How I configured IPBlock for my PC:

1. Creating my account IPBlock account

I went to and entered my name, email, and password. After that, I received a confirmation email and was on the way to selecting my Subscription Plan. I went with the $9.99 per month plan, free to try for 15 days.

2. Creating IP Multiset

Next, the IPBlock Wizard guided me with my account setup. I clicked on "IP Multisets."
initial step, no IP sets
Setup Wizard, Step 1 completed

Since I only access my computer from within the United States, I blocked everything else. I created a MultiSet called "MyBlockList" that included everything except for the United States:
Creating IP multiset

After clicking on "Create", I was taken to the following screen:
Step 2 completed, multiset created

3. Creating a New Rule

Next, the IPBlock Wizard prompted me to create my Rule:
Create Firewall Rule

I created "MyRemoteDesktopRule" and applied it to the "MyBlockList" IP Multiset. I configured it to block access to port 3389 (the one used by Remote Desktop):
Step 3 completed, Firewall rule created

4. Connect Server

Following the IPBlock Wizard prompt, I clicked on "Connect Server."
Connect Server

I selected "Windows Server Desktop", downloaded the installer, and followed the prompts:
Server connection instructions

After pressing "Next", I entered my key:
Enter server registration key

My server was connected!
Server connected

5. Attach Rule to Server

Next, I clicked on Rules next to my server. And clicked on Add Rule:
Add Firewall Rule to Server

Next, I clicked on "OK"
Add Firewall Rule to Server Completed

Finally, I clicked on Apply I was treated to some fireworks (do not blink, they only last for one second), and after that, I received the following message on the IPBlock portal:
Congratulations, configuration completed!

And IPBlock icon (IPBlock tray icon)appeared in my system tray.
IPBlock client monitor

That was it!

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